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Clear Signs Your Car Has a Bad Paint Job


One thing every car owner needs to do is get a paint job. What if the paint job is bad? There are clear signs that your car might have a bad one. Here are four.

Caring for a car requires a lot of motivation, skill, and time to keep it in its best condition. But car owners also need to hold themselves accountable when things go wrong. If you recently repainted your car, and it’s beginning to wear down, there’s a good chance the shop you visited didn’t paint it well. Read on to learn the clear signs that your car has a bad paint job.

The Paint Peels Off

Most often, your paint peels off because its quality is low. Chipping paint diminishes the value of your vehicle. Even though it could happen from other things, you sometimes need to consider that the place you visited may have had a cheap supply of car paint. Research autobody shops and the paint they use before going for another visit, or touch up the areas yourself and let them dry long enough before driving.

The Car Looks Wrinkly

Your car may appear wrinkly because of the paint job. A vehicle may appear shriveled from the paint-drying process. This occurs when the new and old coats of finish attack each other. Before you reapply the paint, make sure to cure the urethane and enamels fully first.

There Are Yellow Stains on the Topcoat

Discoloration on your vehicle can manifest as yellow stains appearing on the topcoat. Yellow stains occur when you accidentally use a contaminated hardener or not enough of the substance. Ensure your fillers don’t contain any unnecessary chemicals.

The Finisher Is Bubbling

Too much of one thing isn’t good for the car. One thing to view here is the use of a finisher. If you use too much paint on the vehicle, you form bubbles. These bubbles appear on car paint when you apply too much on the vehicle’s surface. Thankfully, they’re easy to fix. All you need to do is sand the area down and repaint it.

It can be a hassle when learning how to tell if your car paint job is bad. Sometimes one look is all that’s necessary to say that your paint job isn’t very good. As you go in for your next paint job or do it yourself, ensure you prep the car first before applying.

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