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Ignoring These Strange European Road Signs Could Have Huge Penalties


Holidaymakers planning to drive across Europe this summer have been warned that failure to comply with unusual road signs could lead to life-changing penalties. 

Car rental experts at have identified 13 strange road signs in Europe likely to be unknown to foreigners, that could land even the most experienced motorists in trouble with the law.

Although road safety and traffic rules differ within Europe, motorists can expect a fine, points on their licence, and even a driving licence suspension for being unaware of some signs.

For example, ignoring road signs in France can lead to a fine of €135, 4 penalty points, and a 3-year licence suspension. Meanwhile, unsafe passing violating road signs in Germany incurs a €300 fine.

All across the EU, drivers who ignore road signs and, consequently, experience a collision or jeopardise the life of fellow road users may be subject to legal action for multiple traffic violations, potentially leading to an unrestricted fine or imprisonment.

Last year more than 20,000 people were killed on European roads, and the European Commission has since announced plans to improve road safety across the EU.

This includes plans to crack down on offences committed by foreign drivers, who can expect huge fines to be sent to their home countries if caught breaking road rules.

John Charnock, CEO of, said: “Holidaymakers planning to travel around Europe this summer must understand all the road signs to keep them safe and reduce accidents.

“The EU is on a mission to improve road safety and will be penalising foreign drivers for mistakes, so visitors must familiarise themselves with traffic laws and signs to avoid hefty fines and penalties.

“From no trumpet signs to polar bear warnings, drivers should familiarise themselves with even the strangest looking European road signs to ensure safety and avoid danger.

“The driving laws are different in each country, which means drivers may face harsher penalties from one place to the next.

“Although these road signs may seem confusing, they are there to increase safety, so it’s essential to understand them and abide by driving laws abroad.”

Here are the 13 unusual European road signs that may catch drivers out by

No Vehicles carrying explosives (France)

No Vehicles Carrying Explosives (France)

This sign was designed to warn vehicles carrying dangerous loads not to enter, so steer clear or expect explosive consequences.

Moose Warning (Norway)

Moose Warning (Norway)

Believe it or not, car and moose collisions are common in Norway and can be extremely serious because of the enormous size of the mammals. These signs indicate where it is common for Moses to be, so drivers should proceed with caution.

No use of car horns (Spain)

No Use of Car Horns (Spain)

You can put your trumpets back in the boot. This sign means no honking.

Migrating Amphibian warning (Germany)

Migrating Amphibian Warning (Germany)

To protect the frogs of Germany, reduce speed, keep an eye on the road, and consider alternative routes.

Danger of an accident (Norway)

The Danger of an Accident (Norway)

This warning sign is there to tell road users that there is a risk of an accident on the road. Drivers should pay attention, or they may find themselves on the wrong side.

End of Snow Chains and Snow Chains mandatory (Slovenia)

End of Snow Chains and Snow Chains Mandatory (Slovenia)

Holidaymakers unfamiliar with cooler weather may need help with this one. Some countries have zones where snow chains are compulsory as they dig into frozen surfaces and prevent vehicles from skidding.

No hand carts wheelbarrows (Czech Republic)

No Hand Carts/Wheelbarrows (Czech Republic)

This sign means that no wheelbarrows or hand carts are allowed to pass, which is bad news for construction workers and gardeners.

Risk of fire (Slovenia)

Risk of Fire (Slovenia)

The wildfire hazard is high in Slovenia, so drivers should stay alert. If they encounter this sign, they should proceed cautiously as it is a considerable fire risk.

Polar bears traverse or travel on ice (Norway)

Polar Bears Traverse or Travel on Ice (Norway)

We suggest you make a U-Turn if you come across this sign…

No vehicles carrying dangerous water pollutants (Italy)

No Vehicles Carrying Dangerous Water Pollutants  (Italy)

If travelling around Italy, drivers may come across this strange sign. It means vehicles transporting water pollutants are prohibited, so motorists should note if this applies to them.

No urinating (Germany)

No Urinating (Germany)

Drivers desperate for the loo are out of luck if they see this sign on a road trip through Germany- oh poo!

Priority Road Starts (Spain)

Priority Road Starts (Spain)

In most parts of Europe, if you’re travelling on the road and see this yellow diamond, it indicates the start of a priority road and that you’ll have the right of way over oncoming and crossing traffic.

No motor vehicles and animal-drawn vehicles (Serbia)

No Motor Vehicles and Animal-drawn Vehicles (Serbia)

A lot is going on in this sign which could lead to confusion. It simply means no entry for driven vehicles or animal-drawn vehicles.

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