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5 Questions Answered About Electric Vehicles


Electric vehicles are an increasingly popular choice for drivers, but they come with some misconceptions. Here are five questions answered about EVs.

Electric vehicles have taken the automotive world by storm, and their popularity continues to surge as technology advances and environmental concerns grow. With the promise of cleaner transportation and reduced reliance on fossil fuels, electric cars have become a compelling choice for many consumers. However, as EVs become more mainstream, questions and misconceptions arise. Here are five questions answered about electric vehicles if you are considering switching to electric or are just curious about the EV revolution. 

What Types of EVs Are There?

Three main types of electric vehicles exist, each with pros and cons. These include:

  • Battery electric vehicles (BEV)
  • Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV)
  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)
How Much Does It Cost To Own an EV?

The price of battery and hybrid electric vehicles varies extensively, making them accessible to most consumers. Pricing can start at less than $30,000 and increase well into the $100,000 range before taxes. Furthermore, charging your BEV ranges from $0.09-$0.35 per kilowatt hour (kWh). The national average is $0.14, which means the price to charge your car at home is around $16.00.

All electric vehicles can drive from 110 to 300 miles per single charge. Plug-in hybrid cars, on the other hand, can reach between 15 to 60 miles on battery power alone. However, gauging the number of miles PHEVs can reach is challenging since their range depends on the gas tank. Fortunately, accessible charging stations are available nationwide, so diligent and aware EV owners don’t have to worry about draining their batteries on long trips.

Does Temperature Impact Your EV’s Range?

While some may claim otherwise, weather can affect the overall range of your EV. However, this effect depends on the make and model. Cold temperatures can shorten the length of an EV’s capacity more than any other weather, showing a 25% decrease in mileage. Ultimately, the driver must be aware of the weather before attempting a long road trip, as heavy rains and other weather-related factors can have negative implications.

Where To Charge EVs?

You can charge your electric car using a level 1 or 2 charger. Level 1 chargers use a standard 120-volt home outlet, whereas level 2 chargers use outlets that reach 208-240 volts. Faster public 480-volt chargers are available for use, but those are not typically usable in homes. Be aware of smart versus dumb chargers, a term used to describe their level of connectivity, when choosing where to charge your vehicle.

The journey into electric vehicles is promising and transformative, moving society closer to a cleaner and more sustainable future in transportation. Delving into the world of eco-friendly cars has answered these five questions about electric vehicles that are often a concern to prospective owners. As technology advances, the adoption of electric cars is sure to reshape how we move and reduce our carbon footprint on the planet.

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