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Understanding Why Electric Vehicle Batteries Degrade Over Time and How to Prolong Their Lifespan


In sustainable transportation, electric vehicles (EVs) have taken centre stage. They offer a cleaner and greener alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. However, one of the key concerns EV owners face is their vehicle’s battery degradation over time.

Understanding why electric vehicle batteries degrade and how to extend their lifespan is crucial in ensuring the long-term viability of these eco-friendly rides. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind battery degradation and practical tips to keep your EV battery performing at its best.

What Is Electric Vehicle Battery Degradation?

Electric car battery degradation refers to the gradual loss of a lithium-ion battery’s capacity and performance over time. Electric vehicle (EV) batteries are a critical component of an electric car’s powertrain, and their ability to store and deliver electrical energy diminishes with use and age.

Why Do Electric Vehicle Batteries Degrade?

Electric vehicle batteries degrade due to chemical and physical processes during everyday use. Here are some key factors that contribute to battery degradation:

  • Chemical Reactions: The heart of any EV is its lithium-ion battery pack. Over time, chemical reactions within the battery cause electrode materials to degrade, reducing the battery’s capacity to hold a charge. Think of it as wear and tear on the battery’s internal components.
    Example: Like a smartphone battery that loses capacity after years of use, an EV battery experiences a similar process. The more you use your EV, the more these chemical reactions occur.
  • Temperature Extremes: High temperatures can accelerate battery degradation. Prolonged extreme heat or cold exposure can stress the battery and lead to faster capacity loss.
    Example: Imagine leaving your EV parked in the scorching sun on a summer day. The heat can cause irreversible damage to your battery over time, much like extreme heat can wear out any machinery.
  • Charge and Discharge Cycles: Each time you charge and discharge your EV’s battery, you put it through a cycle. These cycles have a cumulative effect on the battery’s health. Charging to 100% and discharging to 0% frequently can accelerate degradation.
    Example: If you constantly recharge your EV from near-empty to complete, it’s like running a marathon every day; eventually, your body (or, in this case, the battery) will show signs of wear and tear.
  • Battery Management Systems (BMS): The effectiveness of the battery management system in an electric car can impact degradation. A good BMS can help mitigate some factors contributing to degradation, such as overcharging and over-discharging.
  • Example: Imagine two electric cars with similar batteries, Car A and Car B.
  • Car A has a smart Battery Management System (BMS). It oversees the battery and adjusts charging and discharging to keep it happy. It avoids overcharging and over-discharging, which can harm the battery. This keeps Car A’s battery healthy for a long time.
  • Car B has an essential BMS that also doesn’t watch the battery. It sometimes overcharges or overcharges the battery. Over time, this makes Car B’s battery lose capacity faster.
  • So, Car A’s clever BMS helps its battery last longer and perform better than Car B’s simpler BMS.
How to Prolong Your EV Battery’s Lifespan?

Now that we understand why electric vehicle batteries degrade let’s explore some practical steps you can take to extend your EV battery’s lifespan:

  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Parking your EV in the shade or using a garage can help regulate the battery’s temperature. Some EVs even offer battery preconditioning, which warms or cools the battery before use.
    Example: Treat your EV like you would yourself on a hot day—seek shade or air conditioning when possible.
  • Charge Smartly: Avoid charging your EV to 100% regularly. Instead, aim for a charging range of 20-80%. This reduces stress on the battery and can significantly slow down degradation.
    Example: Think of it as sipping a drink throughout the day instead of downing a glass all at once. Your body (and your battery) will thank you for it.
  • Drive Efficiently: Smooth and gentle driving habits reduce the strain on your battery and can lead to a longer lifespan. Use regenerative braking whenever possible to recover energy.
    Example: Just like you get better gas mileage when you drive smoothly, your EV battery will last longer if you avoid sudden accelerations and hard braking.
  • Regular Maintenance: Follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for your EV. This includes checking the battery’s health and replacing it when necessary.
    Example: Think of this like going to the doctor for regular check-ups to catch any health issues early.

Electric vehicle batteries are at the core of the EV revolution, and understanding how to prolong their lifespan is crucial for a sustainable future. By taking simple steps to mitigate the factors that cause battery degradation, you can ensure your EV remains an eco-friendly and cost-effective mode of transportation for many years to come. So, whether you’re a seasoned EV owner or considering making the switch, remember that your electric vehicle battery can go the extra mile with a bit of care.


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