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The Most Common Tire Troubles You’ll Face When Driving


Drivers of all ages should know about the ins and outs of their vehicle to drive safely. Learn about the most common tire troubles you’ll face when driving.

Whether you’re a new driver or you’ve driven for years, everyone can benefit from knowing the most common tire troubles you’ll face when driving.

Flat Tires

If your car notifies you of low tire pressure or that you hit something on the road, you could have a flat tire. Driving over a sharp object, hitting a bad pothole, or damaging the valve stem are all causes of a flat tire.

Some puncture damages are patchable, but others require you to buy a new tire entirely. If the valve stem is leaking air gradually, you can continue driving for a little while, preferably to the auto shop. It’s always best to repair or replace your tires as quickly as possible before further accidents occur.

Uneven and Excessive Tread

Another common tire problem you’ll face when driving is worn-down tire treads.

The tread design on tires gives proper traction when driving; if your tires have no tread, they are dangerous to drive in rainy or snowy conditions and are vulnerable to punctures. A new set of tires can last around 50,000 miles. As the tires spin down the road, the tread wears down.

Excessive wear occurs when your vehicle reaches the 50,000-mile mark. Uneven tread is a different issue and occurs when there is an alignment issue on the wheels—certain tires are more worn than others. Your car’s tires should wear evenly, but this is not always the case.

If your tires are beyond repair, you’ll need to buy the right tires for your car to get back on the road.

Unbalanced Tires

Do you feel a strong vibration in the steering wheel when your vehicle exceeds 50 miles per hour? There’s a good chance your tires are unbalanced. Simply is call your local mechanic to take a look and rebalance your tires!

In some scenarios with compromised tires, you can continue driving briefly before seeking help. Still, it’s best to proactively resolve complications as quickly as possible to keep yourself safe when driving.


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Safety reminder – Please buckle up! Seat belts save lives every day. Always wear seat belts and use appropriate restraints for all child passengers.


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